We are proud to announce that H5P is joining D2L to continue transforming the way the world learns.
What is H5P?
A plugin enabling publishing systems to create more interactive content.
H5P makes it easy for everyone to create and share interactive content with a great user experience for both the content creators and the content consumers.
An exponentially growing number of websites in the world use H5P to provide their users with great content.
H5P may be plugged in to existing publishing systems like Canvas, Brightspace or WordPress and empower the users of these systems to create better content faster.
Try out examples of interactive content created with H5P
Drag and Drop Quizzes
Text or image based drag and drop quizzes
Memory Games
The classic image pairing game
Image Hotspots
Create an image with multiple info hotspots
Create stylish and modern flashcards
Multiple Choice
Create questions with multiple correct answers
Drag and Drop QuizzesText or image based drag and drop quizzes
Memory GamesThe classic image pairing game
Image HotspotsCreate an image with multiple info hotspots
FlashcardsCreate stylish and modern flashcards
Multiple ChoiceCreate questions with multiple correct answers
Drag and Drop Quizzes
Memory Games
Image Hotspots
Multiple Choice
Our users about H5P
What do some of our users say about H5P
Unlike many interactive content development tools, H5P enables academics to produce engaging and stimulating resources without the need of
Michael Sturmey, Victoria University Australia
The University of Manchester have developed a bespoke Learning Platform for their Medical Students using Wordpress. Called 1Med Learn, the system
Tim Cappelli, Learning Technology Manager, University of Manchester
Running H5P via WordPress blogs, we’ve been able to implement a sustainable model for our university that allows for a provision of OER – and both
Tobias Steiner, openLab @ Universitätskolleg Digital, Universität Hamburg
Research shows that there are four major barriers for the rise of Open Educational Resources. While cultural aspects, publicity of the term OER and
Björn Lefers, Coordinator of Learning Innovation & Growth, Kiron Open Higher Education
Global Community
Map showing the distribution of monthly sessions on our community site - H5P.org